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Social events


Welcome reception

A welcome reception will be held at Theoreion, the terrace of
the Ionic Centre, on Monday 9 October 2017 starting at 18:30.


Conference dinner

The conference dinner will be held at the club-restaurant
Thissio View, located on the pedestrian walkway surrounding
Acropolis, on Wednesday 11 October 2017 starting at 19:30.


Conference tour

The option of a guided private tour to the Acropolis (including the
Acropolis Museum) is offered to the conference participants.

The tour will take place on Thursday 12 October 2017, after the
end of the conference, starting from the lobby of the Ionic
at 15:00 (the estimated duration of the tour is 4 hrs).

Tickets may be bought during registration or at the registration
(during the conference days) with a cost of 50 € per person.